Review of the boating year 2021
The boating season 2021 has passed and the year´s almost over.
It´s time to take a look back.
Furthermore we would like to give you some insights into what our customers wrote in their experience reports about us and our boats this year.

January: everything is the same
The new year starts like the old one had finished. Corona still has a firm grip on us and continues to limit us.
The “boot” in Düsseldorf is postponed to April. Everyone still hopes that the situation will soon improve.
At that point, however, we had already decided not to travel to the “boot” under any circumstances, regardless of the circumstances under which it will take place. Above all to protect our employees.

March: shortly before the deliveries, it remains exciting
The production of the new boats continued throughout the winter – despite Corona. Throughout the company we have worked in compliance with all hygiene rules towards the upcoming deliveries.
The new boats are ready for collection by the customers and we hope very much that all scheduled handovers can take place without further lockdown.

April: first new boat collections
Fortunately we can start the delieveries as planned. With restrictions, but at least customers are allowed to come!
The first customers travel to Kürnach for handover and receive their ordered Yachtline with sparkling eyes.
Also this year, the handovers take place in compliance with all applicable distance and hygiene rules. Despite all the circumstances, the joy of their boat is undimmed among the customers!
At the same time the first boats are picked up from winter storage. Everyone is looking forward to a hopefully beautiful and unrestricted season in 2021.

May: “Such a boat is made for water!”
Unfortunately, the weather doesn’t mean it very well with our customers this year. Many handovers take place in the rain, some at temperatures that are more reminiscent of February than of May! But our customers are brave and arrive with scarfs and winter jackets in order to be able to enjoy the handover in spite of everything.
And as the boss always says: “The boat doesn’t mind a bit of rain – it’s made for water!”
At the same time the last boats leave winter storage and the tenor of the clientele is consistently the same: this year it can only get better!

June to August: holiday phase
The boating season is in full swing, many customers can start their vacation by boat as planned and we receive first interim reports and photos of happy and satisfied owners and their families.
It is not uncommon for new friendships to be made at a landing stage. Take a look at the testimonials from our customers, there you can share their experiences.
In the meantime, we are hard at work and never tire of developing our boats further and tinkering with new possibilities and gadgets in and on our models.

August: plant holidays
All new boats have been delivered and now it’s time for us to take a little break, too. Öchsner-Boats starts its annual company vacation.
Probably the greatest tinkering of the past few months can go on vacation with us: Yes, you see right … the SRX30 -Yachtline- can now also transport a personal watercraft!
We tested this gadget extensively during our vacation and can now offer the necessary retrofitting for new boats.
Find the full article on upgrading the SRX30 -Yachtline- here.

September: “Interboot” again without Öchsner-Boats
With a heavy heart we decide not to take part in the Interboot in Friedrichshafen this year either. A lack of experience from major events of this kind prompts us to make this decision.
Interested customers still have the opportunity to get to know our boats: in addition to a personal viewing appointment here in Kürnach, we also offer detailed advice over the phone or online. You can find an overview hier.

October and November: customer service phase
The season is drawing to a close and customers are bringing their boats to customer service. The owners still book this via our website, but a contactless handover, that was common last year, no longer has to be.
The first travel experiences are already being reported, we will publish the detailed vacation experiences of our customers in the coming weeks on our homepage in the experience reports. Just take a look!

December: Shipyard operations and a look ahead
In retrospect, we luckily got through this further pandemic year.
This is mainly due to our great team, which has always stood together and believed in success. But we also deserve a big thank you to our customers, after all, it is they who have proudly and enthusiastically carried the name Öchsner into the boating areas on water and on land.
We are now starting our shipyard operations again, so that in spring we can start well prepared with the deliveries of the ordered new boats.
The sparkle in the customers’ eyes when they see their boat for the first time is priceless! And for us one of the reasons why we enjoy doing our job so much!
We are already looking forward to welcoming new members to our Öchsner family in the coming year!

Now is the time to wish our customers, prospects, business partners and their families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Stay healthy and take care of yourself!